For pension providers, particularly SIPP trustees, and individuals with
non-standard and illiquid assets in their pension schemes or investment
bonds, and also financial advisers with such clients - Occam's Remedy
APR Limited provides a solution to the problems and costs of these assets.
Remedy will buy most non-standard or illiquid assets as an independent
and unconnected third party. It will also pay the majority of any meaningful
future return or value that emerges from the asset, to the pension should
one arise.
Remedy will enable you to offer the members of your
pension schemes a method of "clearing out"
these assets.
will thereby reduce your capital adequacy costs and
resolve the problems that these assets create for your
us to find out more.
you have clients with illiquid or unwanted assets in
their pension or in an investment bond, Occam's Remedy
will usually be able to resolve the problem by buying
these assets, thereby eliminating the additional costs
that incumber the pension or bond, and also permit the
pension or bond to be transferred or closed.
us to find out more.
you have unwanted assets in your pension or investment
bond, Occam's Remedy will usually be able to buy the
assets for a small amount to remove it. This should
stop any further charges being incurred for that asset
and, where required, enable you to transfer or close
the pension or bond.
your pension or bond provider about this.